Coaching and assessment tools for executive leaders

Research shows that the average CEO has only ~60% of the VUCA skills necessary to match the complexity of their environment. You need to steer in a chaotic world. Important strategic decisions must be taken, and sometimes they need to be taken upon a future you can’t possibly predict.

Together we will unfold your next steps and trace a path towards meaningful leadership development. Avoid leadership derailers, and develop your VUCA skills to become a more effective leader with leadership coaching.

Executive Leadership Coaching

Coaching is a relationship that enables you to reflect on your leadership experiences and access your natural creativity and resourcefulness. The coach’s job is not to tell you what to do, but rather to collaborate with you by looking for opportunities for transformation that will influence your leadership impact. This is a whole of person approach that focuses not only the ‘doing’ of leadership (i.e. tasks), but also the ‘being (i.e. relationship).

Find out more about some of the methods and diagnostic tools below:

  • The Lectica LDMA

    The Leadership Decision Making Assessment (LDMA) by Lectica is a rigourous blending of neuroscience and learning. It gives an assessment of your ability to deal with complexity and 12 months worth of development activities to enhance your VUCA skills and leadership performance.

  • VCoL

    Virtuous Cycles of Learning (VCoL) are a type of action oriented learning cycle that enable you to develop your VUCA skills more rapidly, by counter-intuitively slowing down your learning to make it more deliberate and embodied.

  • CLA

    Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) by Sohail Inayatullah is a strategic foresight tool for assessing problems and their deeper, culturally oriented causes. It can also be used to design strategy and vision.

  • The Leadership Circle

    The Leadership Circle is a 360 degree feedback tool that helps leaders to identify potential leadership derailers and instead have greater leadership impact towards their teams.

  • Global DISC

    Global DISC is an intercultural assessment tool for understanding how to work with people who think and behave differently. Understanding cultural difference in relation to generation, nationality, ethnicity, gender and personality type is the strategic advantage for overcoming employee disengagement and customer dissatisfaction.

  • Narrative Learning

    Narrative learning is a ‘right brain hemisphere’ technique that focuses on transformation through vision and ‘being’. It links our core identity with story and allows change in story to drive change in behaviour.

Individual Online Coaching Rates

Diagnostic assessment prices and not-for-profit rates available upon enquiry

  • Development pack
    € 200/hr
    20 x 1.5 hr sessions (€6000) within 12 months
  • Development Pack (BUSY)
    € 240/hr
    20 x 1.0 hr sessions (€4800) within 12 months
  • Boost Pack
    € 230/hr
    10 x 1.5 hr sessions (€3450) within 12 months
  • Boost Pack (Busy)
    € 280/hr
    10 x 1.0 hr sessions (€2800) within 12 months
  • Flat rate
    € 320/hr
